The Kids

Sada Sharifu
Sada is eight years old and dreams of becoming a teacher when she grows up. Sada’s favorite animal is the cheetah, and she loves to pass the time by riding her bicycle through Bagamoyo. 

Salumu Juma
Salumu is a thirteen year old boy who wants to study to become a doctor. He likes to drum and dance, and his favorite foods are French fries and chicken. Salumu hopes that one day he will be able to travel, especially to America.

Hamisi Shabani
Hamisi is an eleven year old boy from the town of Kigoma, Tanzania. His favorite food is French fries and he loves orange soda. He wants to be a teacher, and he always finds time to study, especially his favorite subject, English.

Kelvin Dickson
Kelvin is a 10 year old boy from Bagamoyo, Tanzania. He is working hard in school to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor. In his free time, he loves to play soccer and watch the Tanzanian National Football Team.

Idrisa Juma

Idrisa is a ten year old boy who wants to be a scientist. He likes to learn and study English and play soccer. Idrisa’s favourite meal is French fries, chicken, and orange soda.
Dura is five years old. He's very quiet but loves to play soccer with his friends at Imuma.

Abduli is six years old. He likes to sing and dance. His favourite foods are ugali and rice.

Yusufu Sharifu
Yusufu is eleven years old and loves to watch cartoons with his younger sister, Sada. He dreams of becoming a doctor someday in Tanzania. When he is not helping with the younger kids at Imuma, Yusufu enjoys watching and playing soccer with the other children. 

Asia Lamazani
Asia is an eleven year old girl who loves to play soccer. Asia wants to be a teacher someday. She enjoys studying English and mathematics. Asia is very helpful at Imuma as well. She helps with the dishes, laundry, and care of the younger children.

Abu Jumanne
Abu is seven years old. He loves to play soccer with the other kids and eat traditional Tanzanian foods like ugali and bagia. He hopes to be able to go to school in Bagamoyo and to learn geography, math, and science. 

Subira Juma
Subira is fourteen years old and has been with Imuma since it was opened in 2006. She loves to dance and study math. Her favorite foods are French fries and orange soda. 

Jumanne Abasi
Jumanne is fifteen years old. He wants to be a soccer player someday. His favourite color is green, and his favourite subjects are history, geography, and English. Jumanne is an excellent artist and has been working with local artists that volunteer at Imuma to learn about painting, drawing, jewelry making, and traditional dance. 

Asani Salehe
Asani is twelve years old and wants to be a teacher. He loves to play soccer and study English and science. His favorite meal is French fries and chicken.  

Bakari Mudi
Bakari is five years old. His favourite color is red, and he wants to be a professional soccer player. He also loves learning play the drums with the local volunteers that come play with the children. 

Salumu Kasim
Salumu is ten years old. His favorite food is ugali, and his favourite color is red. Salumu wants to be a soccer player for Tanzania one day.

Mussa Shinga
Mussa is four years old. He loves to play the drums, and wants to be a soccer player when he grows up. He is always patient and kind to the other children.

Abduli Jumajeshua
Abduli is ten years old. He would like to be a witch doctor. His favorite colour is orange, and he loves to eat ugali.

Boni Mzungu
Boni is three years old and is one of the youngest kids at Imuma. He loves to play soccer and eat ugali. 

Miliati is four years old. She loves to run around on the field and play soccer with the other kids. She loves the color pink and her favorite treat is candy.

Chichi is three years old. She can't wait for Fridays when the kids get the chance to visit the beach for a few hours. She and her older brother, Sefu, are always playing together and helping each other.

Sele Ubi
Sele is  a charismatic three years old. Sele likes to do homework and study English. His favorite colour is black, and he loves IMUMA. He loves to ride on a piki piki (motorcycle) through Bagamoyo.

Naa Sadi
Naa is four years old who always has a huge smile on her face. She loves to dance and play soccer on the field. Her favourite color is blue.

Hussein Vumilia
Hussein is twelve years old. His favorite subject in school is biology, and his favorite sport is soccer. He loves to watch cartoons with his friends and sing songs with the volunteers at Imuma.

Amina Mussa
Amina is five years old and wants to be a doctor. Her favorite food is French fries with chicken.She loves anything orange and is always playing games with her friends. 

Epi is  an energetic four years old. She dreams of becoming a musician. She loves rice and oranges. Her favorite things to do are swimming at the beach and studying English.

Sefu is four years old and wants to be a teacher. He loves to play with his sister, and his favorite color is black. 

Dura is nine years old. He wants to be a pilot. Dura loves rice and the cartoon Tom and Jerry.

Fazira is four years old. She loves to learn and sing songs. Her favorite sport is netball, and her favorite colour is black. Fazira is always patient and helpful with the other children. 

Abduli is five years old and loves to watch cartoons. His favorite food is rice, and his favorite color is red.

Shabani is four years old and wants to be a doctor. She loves art and the color red.

Karim is seven years old. His favorite colour is pink, and his favorite food is rice.

Sabrina is three years old. Her favorite food is uji (porridge) and her favorite color is blue.

Moza is nine years old. She likes to cook and wants to be a chef when she grows up.

Ally is fourteen years old. He is a very talented artist and dancer and wants to be an artist.

Miriam is seven years old. She loves the colour pink and likes to sing and dance.